When I created an animated gif I first had to think of a subject to do with college subjects such as:
· French
· English
· Science
· Graphics
· Fine art
So with my subject in hand , in being (fine art), I set to work in creating ideas for it. So my idea was to do a simple couple of pictures and with these all I would do this paint out the world ART for the subject fine Art. So with the pictures I took them into photo shop and made an animation by using the animation tool.
My animation works well with what I was set out to do , to show off fine art. One it has a easel which is a art related subject which are used though out art every day. It also worked with all the different movements that took long and looked very well done at the end of it.
The way I could make my animation much better is by make it short as I feel it went on to many slides to long. Maybe to make the animation have music in it and maybe add in more skillful techniques from adobe photo shop which I didn’t use.
The artist that I used for information to help me was none of the artist that we looked at could help me with my Gif.
If I did this again I would change my subject so I could pick my subject so its more fun as I had different ideas for different subjects for all of them.
I may also improve it to be different ideas on different subjects basically.